Time Out For Parents: The Primary Years

Help guide your children through the next stage of childhood and build stronger family relationships as they journey through the rollercoaster of life.

Focussing on children from 5 to 11 years, The Primary Years helps parents look at how to support their child as they start to find out how the world works, learn how to manage their feelings, find out what they’re good at and experience the consequences of keeping or breaking the rules.

How does it work?
Sharing ideas with other parents and carers is an important part of the course, and discussions are started from real life situations. Each session includes space to plan any changes you want to make in your parenting and, from week 2, you will have an opportunity to discuss how you’re getting on with trying these at home.

Session titles
What being a parent’s really like
Children’s needs
Feelings and listening
Boundaries and parenting styles
Keeping safe
Building strong families

Contact us to find out when the next course is available near you.

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