Time Out For Parents: Children with Special Needs ADHD & ASD

Children with Special Needs ADHD

Life with a child with ADHD can be frustrating and overwhelming. These four sessions will help you meet the daily challenges and channel your child’s energy into positive areas. You’ll understand more about ADHD and the reasons behind your child’s behaviour. Using practical and proven strategies, you’ll look at key ways of boosting your relationship with your child, raising their self-esteem and using effective ways of discipline.

Children with Special Needs ASD

What is autism and what causes it? The four sessions will give you hope as you understand more about ASD, how it affects your child and how you can work with their unique personality and abilities. You’ll learn about possible interventions and therapies and helping your child to live with sensory processing differences. You’ll explore the triad of impairment and how you can help your child with issues of communication, imagination and social interaction. There’s advice on how to handle special interests or repetitive behaviour that can dominate your child’s life. As well as guidance on oppositional behaviour using practical strategies and ideas on how to handle ‘melt downs’.

Contact us to find out when the next course is available near you.

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