Helpful Information

Eat Healthy. If you want to reduce your stress levels, then you have to take care of yourself. Begin by watching what you eat. If you eat a lot of junk food or even skip meals consider making some positive changes. Just as a car needs good fuel to run, your body needs nutrients to run efficiently.

Sleep. Your body needs rest. Teens need between 8.5 and 9.25 hours of sleep. Don’t skip on sleep because you have a lot to do; you will perform better if you get a good night’s rest. Sleep is your body’s automatic meditation mode. It helps you regroup and relax so you’ll be ready to tackle the next day. Try to keep a good bedtime routine.

Get Moving. Two hours of extra exercise each week can improve your health, wellbeing and even your brain ability. So not only is exercise good for you, it can help your grades. Sounds like a win/win.

Me Time. Take some time out of your busy day and spend it with a very important person: You. You need time to relax and have fun. It’s important to schedule some time into your busy day to do something you enjoy, like seeing a movie, reading a book, going shopping, or hanging out with friends.

Friend Time. Friends serve an important role in helping you cope. Don’t keep them out of your life because you’re busy; you need them.

Find Balance. Find ways to balance everything in your life. You can start by making a to-do list and crossing off anything that doesn’t need your immediate attention. Practice managing your time and prioritising what needs to be done so that you can work smarter, not harder.

Go Outside. Being outside improves your mood, which can improve your performance. Just a few extra minutes a day can make a big difference.

Take a Breath. One quick way to calm yourself quickly is to breathe. Often when you’re anxious you breathe from your chest rather than from your abdomen. Try deep breathing: Lie on the floor and put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach; now take a breath like you normally would. Do you feel your chest rise and fall or do you feel your abdomen inflate like a balloon? The goal is to have your abdomen inflate and deflate. Keep practicing taking deep, slow abdominal breaths. You should feel yourself start to relax.

Find Your Sense of Humour. Laughter is often the best medicine when you are stressed. When you laugh your body begins to relax and release feel-good endorphins, boosting your immune system, which stress likes to suppress. So go ahead, crack a joke and notice how a little laughter can change your entire mood.

Try meditation it’s a great way to melt the stress away.

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